
What is vaerágya?

Vi – ranj + ghaiṋ = vaerágya. Another faculty of bhaga is vaerágya. Do you know what vaerágya is?

Whenever you come in contact with different objects, physical or mental, under the spell of physical pabulum or mental pabulum, those objects have pictorial colors. Those colors may or may not be visible, but the colors are there. Similarly, whenever you come in contact with any thing, or any external object, those objects have their peculiar acoustic waves also, and those acoustic waves may or may not be audible, but those waves are there.

You should remain in this world and do your duty with a balanced mind.

Now when a sádhaka, by dint of his sádhaná, establishes mental equilibrium – a mental equipoise – then what happens? The sádhaka remains in this world and does all his or her mundane duties with mundane objectiv[ities], but the sádhaka’s mind is never assailed by the colors of those entities. Since his or her mind is not affected or assailed by those entities, then we will say that that sádhaka has established himself or herself in vaerágya. Vaerágya does not mean “renunciation”. That is a defective explanation and interpretation of the term vaerágya. You should remain in this world and do your duty with a balanced mind. So the collection of these six faculties – all the occult powers, command, reputation, charm, self-knowledge and mental equipoise – are known as bhaga, and the owner of this bhaga is Bhagaván.

24 October 1971 DMC, Vishakhapatnam

“Everything in the Universe is characterized by certain colors”

Treading the Broad Path of Spirituality

The scriptures declare that there is only one thing in this universe free of fear, and that is “vaerágya” (non-attachment). The word vaerágya is derived as follows: “vi” – “rańj” + “ghaiṋ” + “an”. Everything in this universe is characterized by certain colors. Knowingly or unknowingly human beings are attracted by these colors. Some such as green and chocolate brown are very pleasing to the human eye. Perhaps you know that these two colors have been selected for those dancing the kaośikii dance. Color has a tremendous influence on everything. When the human mind becomes strong enough not to be affected by any color, it is called “vaerágya.”

Dancers performing Kaośikii Dance

“When the human mind becomes strong enough not to be affected by any color, it is called “vaerágya.”

Renunciation does not mean giving up everything and going into seclusion. It is not an escapist tendency. Fundamentally it means not to be influenced by any color. It can be compared with certain fishes who live in the muddy depths of ponds and yet never get smeared with mud. This psychic attitude is called vaerágya. When is one established in such a psychic feeling? When one realizes that those objects whose colours have so far influenced you, are not at all permanent. Visible today, they will disappear tomorrow. One realizes, “If I allow them to influence my mind today, I will feel acute pain when they disappear in future. So, in no stage of my life should I allow the colors of those objects to influence my mind.”

Renunciation does not mean giving up everything and going into seclusion. It is not an escapist tendency. Fundamentally it means not to be influenced by any color.

One should always live in harmony with the Supreme Truth which is the only faithful friend a microcosm can have. The very nature of the mind is to seek an object. Without its object, the mind cannot maintain its existence. Those who do not do good deeds will surely do some misdeeds. This is the general rule. So, those who don’t allow material objects to colour their minds will have to associate with something non material. This non material entity is Parama Puruśa, who was in the past, who is in the present, and who will remain in the future. He is the only entity which exists. The external manifestation of this entity – “sat” – is called “satya”. That’s why it is said, “Satye násti bhayaḿ kasyacit” (there is no fear in satya). Those who take satya, that is Parama Puruśa, as their shelter, are free from fear.

10 November 1978 morning, Kalikata

Vaerágya is derived from “Vi” + “Rańj” Dhátu plus Ghaiṋ suffix.
He does not get associated with any color of the world.
No color can color His mind. He is within all and also far from all. This is Vaerágya.

4 November 1979 DMS, Ahmedabad
from the discourse "The Supreme Aesthetic Science and the Cult of Devotion"

The Base of Life

“Vaerágya” is derived from the word virága. The word “Rága” denotes attachment. The practice whereby we develop detachment from finite objects, i.e. the discipline whereby the mind is not influenced by the attractions of worldly objects is Vaerágya Sádhaná. The true Cosmic Entity is only revealed to people with this Vaerágya. This Cosmic Entity alone is the basic shelter of the human beings. It is a strong foundation which shall not, at any time forsake them leaving him forlorn. In this very Cosmic shelter you can establish yourself fearlessly for all time to come.

Bhoge roga bhayaḿ guńe khala bhayaḿ, rupe tarunyá bhayaḿ;
Kule cyuti bhayaḿ máne daenya bhayaḿ vitte nrpáládbhayaḿ.
Bale ripu bhayaḿ, shástre vádiibhayaḿ, káye krtántád bhayaḿ;
Sarvaḿ vastu bhayánvitaḿ bhuvi nrńáḿ vaerágyamevábhayaḿ.

Áshvinii Púrńimá 1955 DMC, Calcutta